5 Festive Horror Games to Scare You This Christmas - christmas-games.info

5 Festive Horror Games to Scare You This Christmas

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Christmas isn’t typically a season we associate with horror games, however there have been several Christmas themed horror games over the years and in this video we take a look at 5 of the scariest festive horror games. These games range from titles covering Christmas themed Urban Legends to Killer toys and even cleaning up after a murderous Santa Claus. So sit back, relax and enjoy this look at 5 scary Christmas horror games.

Check out the games featured in this video:
Irony of Nightmare:

Frosty Nights:

Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage:

Krampus is Home


You’ve been watching SuperHorrorBro Mike and this was a look at the top 5 scariest Christmas Horror Games. If you enjoyed this video remember to like, comment and subscribe for more horror related content.

Music by Kevin MacLeod