BIG DISCOUNTS Games Workshop’s 8x Christmas Battleforces… Price MSRP Breakdown Warhammer 40k Army
Adepta Sororitas – Sanctorum Guard. $320 MSRP 37.5% Savings
1x Morvenn Vahl. $60
3x Paragon Warsuits. $70
3x Paragon Warsuits $70
5x Celestian Sacresants $60
10x Sisters of Battle. $60
Adeptus Custodes – Watchers of The Gate. $337 MSRP 40.5% Savings
1x General Trajann Valoris. $42
3x Allarus Terminators. $55
3x Vertus Praetors. $60
5x Custodian Guard $60
5x Custodian Guard $60
5x Custodian Guard $60
Adeptus Mechanicus – Elimination Maniple. $310 MSRP. 34.5% Savings
Belisarius Cawl. $60
Kastelan Robots. $80
Kataphron destroyers $60
Kataphron destroyers $60
Skitarii Rangers. $50
Imperial Knights – Chainbreaker Lance. $340 MSRP 41% Savings
1xCanis Rex. $170
2xArmiger Helverins $85
2xArmiger Warglaives. $85
Death Guard – Council of The Death Lord. $330 MSRP. 39.5% Savings
1xMortarion. $160
7xPlague Marines. $55
7xPlague Marines. $55
5xBlight Lord Terminators. $60
Thousand Sons – Court of The Crimson King. $340 MSRP. 41% Savings
1x Magnus. $160
10xRubric Marines. $60
10xRubric Marines. $60
3xExalted Sorcerers $60
Imperial Fists – Bastion Strike Force. $319 MSRP 37.5% Savings
1xTor Garadon $42
3xAggressors $55
5xHeavy Intercessors $65
5xHeavy Intercessors $65
5xHeavy Intercessors $65
Upgrades & Transfers $27
Raven Guard – Ravenstrike Battleforce. $325 MSRP. 38.5% Savings
1xKayvann Shrike. $42
10xReavers. $60
3xEliminators 55
1xLibrarian $38
1xInvictor Warsuit $65
1xInvictor Warsuit. $65
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