Most fun Christmas games for kids and family|ONE MINUTE TO WIN Christmas edition| -

Most fun Christmas games for kids and family|ONE MINUTE TO WIN Christmas edition|

Danny and Julie Wonderlab
Views: 1210
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4 best Christmas games for kids and family!!!
One minute to win games Christian edition!!!
-eat the gingerbread man:place to biscuit on your forehead and get it down your mouth without hands….only use face movement
– cotton ball game: transfers cotton balls from one pot to another with a spoon in your mouth in 1 minute
-Christmas cards race
-became a reindeer:you will need some vaseline on top of your nose and a pom pom attached to the end of a ribbon in your mouth,then seing the ribbon trying to get your pom pom right on your nose without hands
Those are super funny game as we show in this video.
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