STEAM WINTER SALE 2021/2022! Christmas Holiday Sale! Games, Badges, Cards, Best Deals + Dates!
The sale is on for 2 weeks or 14 days, dates are December 22nd until January 5th!
Covering deals on the biggest and most popular games, the cards/badges/tokens/rewards, voting for the Steam Awards etc.! That’s about all as far as a meta-game this time around.
Get your favourite games cheap while you can, there may not be another sale for awhile!
Here’s a link to the Steam Store:
A link to SteamDB to check out sales, sale histories & currency conversion:
The Steam Limited Profile FAQ:
My Second, Fun Channel (MassDistract Gaming):
00:00 Introduction
00:29 Sale Dates & Info
02:55 Deals
07:36 SteamDB Info
08:06 Steam Awards Voting, Cards & Badges
08:59 Additional Cards
09:05 Not Getting Cards?
11:35 Seasonal Badge
12:14 Free Stickers
12:41 Points System
16:21 My Channel Info